Viewing 118 results

Campers launch SeaPerch ROVs!

It was the culminating moment. We built the frames, we hooked up the wiring, we soldered, we drilled, we glued, and now it was time to launch. Our Coyotes, grades 3 to 5, took their SeaPerch ROVs (...

A Great Day at the Pond

  Every camper at the Science Center explores Jacobs Pond at some point during the summer. Some plunge right in, others dabble at the edges.   Still others ride right on top of it. We...

Turtles on the Move

From time to time we come across hatchling turtles, mostly brought into us by people who found them in roadways or parking lots, places they're "not supposed to be." But think about the lives of man...


Learning and Growing South Shore YMCA Nature Center Preschool offers a unique program with active exploration in nature that fosters children’s natural curiosity. Direct experiences with nature enco...


Program Themes Core: Call of the Wild (Overnight) Campout! We will camp out on the grounds of the Science Center, preparing by watching the weather, remembering the Outdoor Code and the Leave No Tra...

It’s Always Sunny on Sunflower Hill

Two naturalists from the Science Center spent their morning walking around in the freezing cold, but with the best of reasons. Joining students and teachers from the INLY School in Scituate, they wa...