Viewing 107 results

Midwinter Bird Survey, January 2015

  We've just completed the second year of our Midwinter Bird Survey, a companion to our June Breeding Bird Circle Surveys. The winter counts take place at the same four points as the summer co...

2016 Winter Bird Survey Results are in

Each year we take to the woods, the field and the pond to survey the avian life overwintering around the Science Center, and each year, for the first three years of the survey, results have fluctuated...

Duck Tallies Are In

For the third year, we've conducted a fall waterfowl migration survey on Jacobs Pond, and for the third year, we've been surprised by some elements of the count. Here are some raw numbers: 2015 Effor...

Gamify the Y!

Test Out NEW Digital Fitness Games & Interactive Technology at the Y! Bring your family and friends and join us in testing out some of the newest digital fitness game concepts at our branches! Dur...

George “Trigger” Burke Frozen 5K

Start a Healthy 2021 with this Virtual Race Event! Thank you to participants of our 10th annual SSYMCA George “Trigger” Burke Frozen 5K VIRTUAL EVENT! In 2021, our George “Trigger...

Corn Festival returns!

NORWELL, MA (9/27/2022) – With perfect fall-like conditions predicted throughout the weekend, the South Shore YMCA Natural Science Center’s team of staff and volunteers expected a strong turnout ...