Viewing 118 results

Duck Tallies Are In

For the third year, we've conducted a fall waterfowl migration survey on Jacobs Pond, and for the third year, we've been surprised by some elements of the count. Here are some raw numbers: 2015 Effor...

The Big Guy Has Arrived

For about a decade now, Wompatuck State Park has been the place to be to see a Pileated Woodpecker on the South Shore. It was always a matter of simple math as to why they were not here. Big woodpec...

Midwinter Bird Survey, January 2015

  We've just completed the second year of our Midwinter Bird Survey, a companion to our June Breeding Bird Circle Surveys. The winter counts take place at the same four points as the summer co...

King of the Snow

This year has not been a banner year for the Snowy Owl in Massachusetts, but that’s okay. Last year was, and maybe next year will be, too. Snowy Owls are what we call an β€œirruptive” species. ...