Embark on a weekly adventure at the Afterschool Nature Club on Tuesday afternoons! Each week, our afterschool explorers will engage in a different adventure, from animal tracking and shelter building to survival skills, nature journaling, and eco-art. Perfect for students aged 11-14 (grades 6-8). Please dress in layers for the weather, as we’ll be enjoying both indoor and outdoor experiences.
Questions: Contact Sarah Kugel, Nature Center Director: skugel@ssymca.org
**Additional paperwork will be sent to all registrants to be completed by a parent/guardian. This is due back before the program begins.**
- Tuesdays, Feb 4 – March 18, 2025 | 3:30 – 5:00pm (*no program Feb 18)
- Ages: 11 – 14 years
- SSYMCA Member price: $72 | Nonmembers: $84
Questions? Contact: Sarah Kugel, Nature Center Director, skugel@ssymca.org