Drifter Update – 10/20/2015

Posted: Oct. 20, 2015

Weymouth - Fall 2015-1


Our Weymouth High School drifter has given us quite a show as it has started its fall 2015 journey. It completed four generally oval-shaped rotations east of Hull, ducking into the mouth of Boston Harbor, before deciding to take a run between Little Brewster Island and Shag Rocks. From there it turned eastward for Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and a run for the world east of Cape Cod.

Hull - Fall 2015-1

The Hull drifter, meanwhile, started out a few miles to the east and took a large clockwise loop through the northwest corner of Stellwagen, just shy of the Gloucester Basin.

Hull - Fall 2015-2

Amazingly, they found each other. It was as if the Hull drifter was in a holding pattern, waiting for Weymouth. But Weymouth raced ahead while Hull tarried, and though drifting apart, they eventually followed the same path.

Hull - Fall 2015-3

While Hull got hung up off the north of Provincetown, Weymouth raced down the length of Cape Cod and started to move toward the continental shelf. There should be plenty more to come in the next few days or weeks, but these drifters have already woven for themselves quite an interesting tale.

Hull - Fall 2015-4