First Birds of the Spring

Posted: May. 05, 2015

We took advantage of a beautiful Wednesday morning for our first Birds and Breakfast walk on the trails of the Science Center and Jacobs Pond. And what a day it was!


We found that the Mute Swans have returned to Jacobs Pond.


We found a Black-capped Chickadee carrying food in and out of a nest on the grounds of the Science Center.


We found a Pam Warbler on the trails at Jacobs Pond.


And we found a sunning Northern Water Snake. In all we had  more than 30 species of birds, with a surprise later in the day as well, a Barred Owl hooting in the woods that gave our school vacation week kids a wonderful flyby. We are back on the trails every Wednesday morning at 8 with more bagels from Gunther Tooties as our post-birding snack!