Nature-based STEM Enrichment Programming
Supporting remote and home learners, K-6
For a full list of offerings or to register, click here.
South Shore Natural Science Center’s experienced environmental educators will support learning through hands-on nature-based experiences and explorations. Curriculum will reflect and tie to the Massachusetts STE standards, while providing opportunities for students to become “solutionaries.” Our emergent curriculum programs are designed to be inquiry-based and student-driven, allowing children to shape their own educational experiences.
Our education partners include Battelle; NASA, via the National Informal Science Education Network; NOAA, via the Stellwagen Bank National Marnie Sanctuary; Whole Kids; the Gould Foundation; and more.
Student-led, this 8-9 week series will focus on a variety of themes providing a deeper understanding of the topics presented in the state’s framework. Some of the curriculum standards that may be covered include:
Kindergarten and Grade 1– “Reasons for Change” and “Describing Patterns”
- Observe that all living things need food, water and air to survive
- Compare and contrast how animals of the same type can vary
- Collect data about the outdoor world
- Investigate how sound and light travels
Grade 2 and Grade 3 – “Wholes and Parts” and “Human Interactions”
- Understand habitats and how living things rely on them to survive
- Interpret data to predict seasonal weather patterns
- Observe, record and understand life cycles of living things
- Deduce the difference between weather and climate
- Matter, forces and their interactions
Grades 4, 5 and 6 – “Matter and Energy,” “Connections and Relationships in Systems,” “Structure and Function”
- Define and explore the water cycle and its impact on a watershed
- Collect data on erosion and mechanical weathering
- Participate in engineering design projects
- Explore waves and how they transfer energy
For more information, please email Chris Jacobs,
Click Here to Register