Viewing 105 results

Schedule & Tuition

Nature Center Preschool Class Schedule Morning Sessions:  9:00 am  – 12:00 noon (3 hours) Preschool Program, Ages 2.9 – 4 2 Days – Tuesdays and Thursdays Pre-K Program, Ages 4 ...

25th Annual
Golf Classic

Overview: Our 2021 South Shore YMCA Golf Classic at the Pinehills Golf Club in Plymouth will benefit the South Shore YMCA’s Adaptive Programming to ensure that everyone can truly belong at the Y...

Financial Assistance

Campership Donations Help a child attend camp! Each year we offer a limited amount of ‘camperships’ to families who could not otherwise attend camp. We can only do this through your generosity. To...

Thanks for a great Nature Adventure Camp Season!

What a great season it has been for our Nature Adventure Camp staff and campers! We had great weather, amazing kids, and awesome adventures. Check out some of the highlights below, and stay tuned for ...


How to Enroll We welcome all children who are 2 years 9 months to enroll at the Nature Center Preschool. Families may enroll throughout the school year as Preschool admission is ongoing. Enrollment Pr...