Financial Assistance

Campership Donations

Help a child attend camp!

Each year we offer a limited amount of ‘camperships’ to families who could not otherwise attend camp.

We can only do this through your generosity.

To Donate to the ‘Send a kid to Camp’ please contact Chris Jacobs, Executive Director 781.659.2559 ext. 1204

Financial Assistance

The South Shore YMCA strives to serve the entire community. Financial Assistance is available to those who cannot afford fees. Assistance is awarded based on the need demonstrated by household income and/or extenuating circumstances and the funds available. Monies used to fund Financial Assistance are made possible through charitable donations to our Change a Life Fund. Contact Chris Jacobs, at 781-659-2559, for an application or click HERE.

Please note: Financial assistance must be finalized prior to registering for camp. The approval process may take up to 2 weeks. Camp registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.