The Captain Planet Foundation, an organization dedicated to funding educational programs that give students hands-on, project-driven learning experiences with real environmental outcomes, recently awarded the South Shore Natural Science Center an ECO-Tech Grant in the amount of $2500. The Science Center will use these funds towards its Student-designed Timed Irrigation System project.
“We are so impressed with the project brought to us by the South Shore Natural Science Center,” says Leesa Carter, Executive Director of the Captain Planet Foundation. “This is the kind of project that inspires the next generation to become environmentally literate citizens who leverage technology and information to manage and protect the air, land, and water upon which all life depends. We are honored to play a part in funding its implementation and wish the Science Center great success!”
This fall, Hanover students will work with the Science Center staff to develop a self-sufficient computerized watering system powered by the sun, activated by a moisture sensor and drawing water from rain barrels. The project will decrease the need for volunteers to water the Children’s Garden, therefore freeing them up for other tasks.