Heidi Ferguson

Photography Series

“I often ask myself why it is that I photograph and why it is so important to me. These photographs, these images are of one moment in time, yet they are held in space and time to view…to be with…to learn from… They are constantly changing and constantly teaching us about life about strength, integrity, vulnerability, relationships, solitude, connection. Each person, each animal, each landscape, each object creates a presence and shares a space in time with me.”
~ Heidi Ferguson (1978 – 2012)

Composition and Exposure with Greg Lessard
Saturday, March 14, 10:00am to 2:00pm
Fee: $60 Member; $80 Non-Member (lunch is provided)

Have you ever wondered how to create stunning images? In the morning, Greg will discuss everything from foregrounds to backgrounds, including the rule of thirds, leading lines, the use of F-stops for creatively controlling depth of field and how to create three-dimensional photographs. In the afternoon, he will explain how to use the meter in your camera to get the best possible image. In this workshop, you will learn how to adjust your camera to get outstanding exposures. Please bring your cameras to practice metering in manual mode. Pre-registration required. For more information on Greg Lessard, please visit

Bird and Wildlife Photography in Massachusetts and Beyond: “Where, When and How”
Presented by Shawn Carey of Migration Productions (
Saturday, April 11, 9:30am -4:30pm
Fee: $75 Member; $100 Non-Member (lunch is provided)

Over the last ten years, bird and wildlife photography has seen a surge in popularity—thanks in large part to vast improvements in digital technology. Digital cameras are better, easier to use, and more affordable than ever. But how do you choose the right one? And once you have the camera, what’s next? Don’t panic. Renowned wildlife photographer and educator Shawn Carey will expertly guide you through these topics and share some tricks of the trade to help you truly enjoy your experience. Along with stories of his own experiences in the field, and lots of give-and-take with the audience, the gathering is sure to be eye-opening and lively.

Section #1:  Photo equipment: cameras, lenses, tripods, photo blinds and other “odds and ends.”

Section #2:  Location, location, location! Where and when to photograph birds and wildlife in Massachusetts, and what you’ll need when you get there—plus a few other locations in the U.S. that are well worth a visit (or two).

Photography for Children with Kevin Walsh
Saturdays, 1:00-3:00pm
April 25, May 2, 9, 16
$50 Member; $65 Non-Member

Join Photographer Kevin Walsh for an introductory photography class for children ages nine to fourteen years old. In this four week class, students will learn how to operate their cameras; how to regularly get well exposed photos; the use of flash; basic elements of composition; and how to incorporate photography into nature and other interest areas young people have. Pre-registration required.

Family Photo Fun
May 3 – September 11
All Ages
Experience the excitement of searching for nature’s treasures with a family photo scavenger hunt! Grab your camera, phone or tablet and hit SSNSC’s trails and woods for a fun adventure as you search for seasonal changes. Pick up the list at the front desk and stop by for a family prize when you are finished.
Fee: Free with Admission, Drop-in

Save the Date – Photographing Acadia National Park
October 16-18

Have you ever caught the sunset at Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse, or the sunrise at Otter Cliffs? How about the fall foliage on the Bubbles? Or first light from the top of Cadillac Mountain? All of these opportunities and more are available on our fall digital nature photography trip to Acadia National Park on Maine’s Mount Desert Island. Our director of education, John Galluzzo, will be joined by professional nature photographer Greg Lessard for this three-day digital photography adventure. Contact John Galluzzo at for an itinerary or to register.
Fee: $375, Covers all transportation, lodging and park entry fees.

A $75 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is required at the time of registration. No cancellation refunds will be issued 6 weeks prior to the program unless we can fill your space. Single supplement $90. Payment in full is required by September 16, 2015.

Naked Canaries Lecture and Exhibit
at Eastern Nazarene College, Quincy
Ruth Cameron Auditorium, Mann Student Center
Friday, March 27, 7:00pm

Join the Eastern Nazarene College Biology Department and Honors Program for a lecture and photographic exhibit ,”Naked Canaries”, a photographic exploration of the beauty and biology of amphibians, the causes of their declines and their message for us all. The exhibition includes 18 photographs of amphibians from the US and Costa Rica, and tells their story as “canaries in the coal mine” – indicators of the health of our environment. The speaker and photographer is Dr. John Cossel from the Biology Department at Northwest Nazarene University. Dr. Cossel is a herpetologist who studies amphibians in Idaho and Costa Rica. The photographs will also be on exhibit at least one week prior to the lecture in the Nease Library at ENC. Fee: Free, Drop-in.

Click on the link below for a printable Photography Series flyer.

Heidi Ferguson Photography Series